Peppermint - ohio heirloom seeds

Peppermint- 300+ seeds

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Peppermint has been used for hundreds of years as a flavoring for culinary dishes, teas, oils, candles, and as a medicine. It is a herbaceous rhizomatous perennial plant, meaning that it spreads rapidly from its fibrous roots. Open-Pollinated, 65 Days, 12'-36" in height 

Please note: Since Peppermint is a rapidly-spreading plant it is suggested that it be grown in containers, or in an outdoor garden with wooden are stone borders reaching 8" in depth. 

Growing instructions: Seeds can be started indoors or sown directly in the garden. Sprinkle the seeds on your starting mix (or garden soil after last frost). Do NOT cover the seeds with soil as they need light to germinate. Keep moist. Peppermint prefers a moist soil, with partial shade. Germination in 10-15 days.