Pink Oxheart Tomato - ohio heirloom seeds
Pink Oxheart Tomato - ohio heirloom seeds

Pink Oxheart Tomato - 75+ seeds

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75+ Seeds. Pink Oxheart is a prolific producer that has been around for years. The 1936 Vick’s seed catalog describes the Pink Oxheart as "A very large tomato rounded at the stem end but tapering to a point, averaging 1-1/2 pounds in weight. As it becomes better known the demand for seed is constantly increasing. Skin-purplish pink, flavor-luscious sub-acid; very meaty and almost seedless. Size, shape, flavor, and productiveness make this variety very popular.”
Pink Oxheart is still popular today due to its low acidity and wonderful taste
Large (1 to 2+ pounds) heart-shaped fruit. This tomato variety is quite firm, has a meaty texture, and is great for slicing. Outstanding taste for such a big producer. Indeterminate, Open-Pollinated, 75 days from transplant.